KULTZY facebook CREATOR | COD MOBILE CONTENT Kultzy is well known for her Call of Duty: Mobile streams on Facebook Gaming. Garnering a global audience in her short time as a content creator on the platform, Kultzy has managed to create and harness a supportive community, bringing in a diverse collective of supporters, and high-intensity
NOVA facebook CREATOR | fortnite CONTENT Fortnite streamer Nova has grown to be one of the largest channels in ANZ! He has successfully grown a strong and dedicated community by sharing positivity as well as some of the secrets behind his gaming skills.Brands Nova has worked with: Fortnite. TOTAL REACH 0 K facebook views* 0
MENZIES FACEBOOK GAMING CREATOR | MADDEN CONTENT Less than one year in to streaming and Menzies can already call himself ANZ’s largest Madden streamer on Facebook Gaming. Menzies brings his former frontman attitude from the stage in to his streams with an intense call to action and formidable gaming skill.Brands Menzies has worked with: Orange
DREWD0G facebook CREATOR | warzone CONTENT Always cool, calm and collected, Drew is here to help and entertain! Drew’s love for Battle Royale is made apparent in Call of Duty: Warzone where he gets the chance to truly show off!Brands Drewd0g has worked with: Maybelline, Hungry Jacks, Activision. TOTAL REACH 0 K facebook views* 0